
소속학과 경영학과
내선 연락처 -
이메일 kws@silla.ac.kr


순번 범례명 기관 연구실적명 기간
1 국제저명학술지-SSCI,A&HCI Taylor & Francis Corporate social responsibility, business groups and financial performance: a study of listed Indian firms 2019-07-23 ~ 0000-00-00
2 국제저명학술지-SSCI,A&HCI Elsevier Corporate hedging and dividend policy: An empirical study of Korean firms 2020-01-31 ~ 0000-00-00
3 국제저명학술지-SSCI,A&HCI Elsevier Do country-level legal corporate governance and cultural 2020-10-18 ~ 0000-00-00
4 국제저명학술지-SSCI,A&HCI WILEY Motives and market reactions to convertible bonds and bonds with warrants issuance in an emerging market 2021-02-05 ~ 0000-00-00
5 국제저명학술지-SSCI,A&HCI Emerald Group Publishing Ltd Founder CEOs, business groups and firm value: evidence from an emerging market 2021-06-08 ~ 0000-00-00


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